University Arabic can study study abroad learning environment

I heard a researcher of the world's largest language learning app ...

University Arabic can study study abroad learning environment Billion or more people to learn the world's largest language learning app [Duolingo (duo apple)]. There is a reputation for effective learning programs that are derived from the big data, time of learning in Duolingo is equivalent to a semester of foreign language learning courses of the university, it has come out also finding that. In this life hacker, I took the opportunity to interview the person in accordance with the visit to Japan of A Mr. Masato, who worked as a software engineer and research scientist at Duolingo. Machine learning, to Mr. A, who is also an expert in natural language processing, we ask you about the findings obtained from the data analysis of Duolingo. Difficulty or learning English for the Japanese, so we also heard about learning tips, please by all means help my English learning. What language, we thought that there is a [learn ease of direction] by means of words. For example, I'm French friends are studying Japanese, it's Japanese pronunciation is good obviously.

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