University Arabic can study study abroad learning environment

In Arabic it offered as a second foreign language

University Arabic can study study abroad learning environment Fighting Spirit - In Arabic offered as a second foreign language - "For Arabic" - as offered in the background Arabic is a language spoken in the Middle East, and is the word of the religion Islam. For the countries of the people of the Middle East Africa is the official language, for Isla over-time Muslim, which accounts for a fraction of the world's population (less than Muslims), is the word of scripture Koran. Muslims, must poems the Koran in Arabic. Because the word of God is because it is believed that since it is one that has been entrusted to the Prophet Muhammad by Arabic, must be an understanding in Arabic is "the word of God". So not native speakers of Arabic, Africa, China, Muslims of Southeast Asia, are learning the Koran in Arabic characters from childhood. Currently, the MENA region in which the Arabic is spoken, is taken up Bashiba was reported as a place of international disputes. Whether conflict case to dialogue among civilizations, when you think about the world of the way, now the Middle East, widely can not ignore the Islamic civilization.

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