University Arabic can study study abroad learning environment

Recommended study skills in Arabic beginners

University Arabic can study study abroad learning environment Recommended for Arabic beginners! The study skills election Arabic is to be read? I have a dream to author that is To see the pyramids to go to Egypt! If anyway go, It's anxiety to go to a country you can not read at all character And Na should I speak in the local language about little You have to study Arabic little by little! But, I am studying [Arabic! Are surprised and say] [Are not you difficult? ] How do you are studying [? ] Often it is asked. Sure, but Arabic is not a word can be easy to learn Would not it be cool Once your Arabic is read? So, this time we introduce the study skills election so that Arabic is read That: "read write Arabic practice print" The Arabic There are Arabic characters. To learn Arabic, you need to learn the Arabic character of the First. It recommended in order to be able to read and write the Arabic letter of the It is "read write Arabic practice print"! This book is, in the same way that the so-called children to practice hiragana and kanji Dictation Arabic characters you will learn a drill format.

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