University Arabic can study study abroad learning environment

One of the languages ​​that belong to the Semitic languages ​​of ...

University Arabic can study study abroad learning environment Arabic (Arabic Please, اللغة العربية, UNGEGN formula: al-lughatu l-'arabīyah, up = Rugaturu = Arabiya, العربية, al-'arabiyyah [ʔalʕarabij.ja] (audio files), عربي'arabī [ʕarabiː, ʕarabij] (audio files )) is one of the languages ​​that belong to the Semitic languages ​​of the Afro-Asiatic. It is mainly spoken in the Arab world of West Asia and North Africa. Language code according to the ISO, character is ar, Text is represented by ara. Is a language that has been used in many countries and regions to the largest in the world, the Arabian Peninsula and its surroundings, has been recognized as an official language at the center bilingual region of Africa north of the Sahara desert north, also, the United Nations in the official language, it is also the added only language later. Overview [Arabic], which had been spoken in the original Arabian Peninsula, has spread in North Africa and Iraq, to ​​Syria direction. Arabic that are used in modern, have been classified into One of the next.

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