University Arabic can study study abroad learning environment

Arabic learning in Kuwait

University Arabic can study study abroad learning environment At the end of the month and finished the Arabic learning in Kuwait since I came to Kuwait, became to welcome quickly return date. That of the date of arrival in Kuwait, I remember as that of yesterday still. If you, my student life was the day to be helped, supported by a lot of people. Both the dorm life and life world of students, Arabic learning was too difficult for my beginner, such as Japanese culture public relations event of the Japanese Embassy, ​​all of the events that were experienced in Kuwait studying abroad is, let me grow my It was. I think here, especially in the learning surface, like to say about some of the impressive events that I have experienced. As mentioned above, I regard to Arabic, was an amateur. Study abroad Initially, I alphabet can read, can understand simple grammar, was not only a beginner no better than the Arabic language skills to the extent that it is self-introduction. Such I was thinking want to learn Arabic in Kuwait in the future, because there was a strong goal want to work in the Middle East.

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